Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Maybe I'm overly critical.

So, here's something I was ruminating about. If a person you respect has a belief that you find offensive or ridiculous, do they lose your respect?

Here's why I'm askin'. I know this highly regarded therapist who does wonderful work and has really helped alot of people. Nice lady too. Recently I happened to spend some time with her. At one point she pulled out a pendulum and had people use their "energy" to move it (she was HOLDING it). Another time I saw her doing a TAROT CARD reading with someone.

I was quite dismayed by these incidents. This is someone who has knowledge of how the mind works, who uses this knowledge in her career, who makes a living by using the skills taught in the fields of psychology and counseling. And then she says the deer card signifies that you should be gentler with your inner shaman, or something.

But maybe the two belief systems aren't necessarily inconsistent. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, but most people thought he was a decent president. I've met skeptics who are also Christians.

At what point do you throw your hands up and cry hypocrite?

1 comment:

Scott Roeben said...

Hypocrite wasn't the word I was thinking of. Doofus was. I try to accept people for who they are, but to me all credibility is shot if someone holds some dopey belief in such high regard. Unless they mean it as SATIRE.